Wholegevity? please explain..
Rather than go into lengthy and probably slightly dull prose about experience, qualifications and satisfied clients I thought it might be more relevant to talk about such attributes as empathy and celebrating imperfection.
Having spent twenty years working with clients from all spectrums of life they're behavioural patterns that emerge on a frequent basis. The most notable being that physical activity creates a significant shift in mood from negative to positive alongside a greater sense of compassion and self worth. Therefore I've become fascinated by how movement, especially in a natural environment can enhance the quality of life as well as contributing significantly to a healthier life.
Wholegevity is grounded in training principles that take a circular approach to health and wellbeing. Physical goals and objectives are encouraged and supported but alongside other spectrums such as maintaining quality restful sleep, creating a healthy relationship with nourishing food and attaining purposeful engagement with both oneself and the world at large.
If i'm viewing the patterns of behaviour from my own life a major reoccuring theme is that when I've invested both time and effort to encourage my body and mind to flourish I've experienced a sense of joy, contentment and satisfaction with my world and my relationship within it On the other hand I've also had periods of life where I have been deeply out of sync both physically and mentally resulting in spiralling patterns of negative behaviour and a loss of connection with myself and those close to me.
We've all glimpsed our most joyful selves during life but we're also familiar with the shadows and doubts that lurk around our daily thoughts. Therefore, Wholegevity is not about striving for perfection but accepting ourselves for who we are and pursuing improvements at a level which promotes long term health health and vitality. For us that is the road to glorious imperfection